
Showing posts from November, 2015

Job Interview

Congratulations, you've managed to get a job interview, your main goal now is to prepare to put all the chances on your side. What not to do during a job interview You are now in major step what is the  job interview . You will have prepare it by setting up a line of conduct that will be crucial to carry out your appointment. However for a successful job interview, there are pitfalls to avoid during this interview. Know that many elements will determine whether you are the ideal candidate to the proposed job. What happens during a job interview? You are contacted for an interview, however, to have an edge over other candidates, you will methodically prepare your job interview by adopting a thread. It will help you prepare multiple issues of the job interview. You will certainly be faced with recruitment tests that complement the interview. They are used to measure the different candidates capacity competing for the same position. What are the technical evaluation to verify the cand...

Top 10 Best Developers of all Time

The computer is a very complex machine, but people operate the same without any technical knowledge. The most lay people only interact with the GUI "graphical user interface" and the whole process that makes it work, is usually hidden. Each element the user is watching on the desktop is created by some programmer genius. In this selection are highlighted the 10 best developers of all time according to their deeds, achievements and contribution to the community of computer science. 1- Alan Mathison Turing Alan Turing was a computer scientist, mathematician, cryptographer, and logician. He has been called the father of theoretical computing and artificial intelligence, and it is leading the position in this selection of the top 10 developers of all time. During World War II, he developed various techniques for breaking German ciphers. Turing built an electromechanical machine that could find Enigma machine settings. He formalized computing and algorithm concepts with Turing mac...

10 Tips For Success in Professional and Private Life

In the professional world and in the life of every day, we are dealing with two types of individuals. Those who complete and those who are missing all. The success key is in your attitude. Then be inspired by the following 10 tips for success in your professional life and your private life. 1. Learn to listen to your inner voice This is one of the most important senses, instinct. This voice is heard when you least expect it. But also when you need it the most. You try, you fail to disconnect it. It is in the most difficult situations your instinct will be most reliable. You have a bad feeling about facing a particular situation or in respect of an individual? Do not put this feeling into question. Because on reflection, you have been in fear, but how many times you did not ignore it? 2. Open to the unknown We prefer almost all stay in our comfort zone. This is extremely easy and comfortable to stay attached to the habits. But times change and it is even more important to be open to new...

Reasons to accept your boss on Facebook

Your boss calls you on  Facebook  and you do not know what to do. Consider a few minutes before accepting this invitation and ask the pros and cons. here are 5 reasons to let him join your contacts! Prove to your employer how you are great! The added value of an employee is also measured by his many knowledges, his relevant divisions and comments. If on the social network, you present yourself as a comely, cheerful and intelligent person, you might get this increase as expected! => Prepare your personal profile by removing unflattering comments and unattractive pictures in connection with the company. => Exfoliate your spelling mistakes and your useless comments on your wall. => Treat your posts so that they remain irreproachable in the background as in the form. Good to know: your boss does not need to see all of your Facebook posts. You can use the filtering options for the statutes and images you do not want him to look. Do hire a friend You may not know this, but ...

Unique Ideas to Earn Money Writing Articles

Some writers write articles for their website or for their blog to make money. However, with or without a website, writing on the web allows many people to earn more money than is estimated. Indeed, some means currently allow you to arrive to collect money to supplement your purposes. But you can also do for a living, if you have chosen to invest in web writing. Are you made to earn money by writing articles? To get started as a web editor, it is necessary to answer some essential criteria: * Having a very good English language level is an essential condition in article writing. * Knowledge of other languages ​​is an advantage because it is possible that the company, the association or the newspaper that asks you to write, would like a foreign language article. * It is also essential that you master some office computer tools that allow you to write. * In writing a topic, the article must be relevant with rather short sentences but clear. The article must, in fact, contain important in...

Work Contract Definition

There is an  employment contract  where an individual agrees to work - in return for remuneration - under the direction of another person or entity. The three criteria for the existence of an employment contract are: * subordination; * performance of work; * compensation. Concept not defined by law Contract work: no definition. No text of the Labour Code gives a definition of the employment contract. Role of the Industrial Tribunal judge:  In case of dispute, only the industrial tribunal judge can say if there is or not an employment contract: * after listening, reviewed, sought and verified: it is him who decides to call in contractual working relationship or not, the situation of a person that performs a service for the benefit of another, * it must be entered when a person claims to have made a supply of labor for another in the context of an employment contract without the benefit of an employment contract. Employment contract  and definition by the Labour Court:...

Franchise Agreement

The  franchise agreement  must be in accordance with national law, community law and the code of Ethics. The contract reflects the interests of members of the franchise network, protecting the rights of industrial or intellectual property of the franchisor and maintaining the common identity and the franchise network reputation. Any contract or contractual agreement managing relationships franchisor / franchisee is written or translated by an official translator in the country's official language in which the franchisee is established, copies of the signed contract will be immediately delivered to the franchisee.  The franchise agreement  clearly defines the obligations and responsibilities of each party and any other material terms of the collaboration. Minimum essential points of the contract are as follows: - the rights of franchisor - the rights of franchisee - goods and / or services provided to the franchisee - the obligations of franchisor - the obligations o...