Franchise Agreement

The franchise agreement must be in accordance with national law, community law and the code of Ethics.

The contract reflects the interests of members of the franchise network, protecting the rights of industrial or intellectual property of the franchisor and maintaining the common identity and the franchise network reputation.

Any contract or contractual agreement managing relationships franchisor / franchisee is written or translated by an official translator in the country's official language in which the franchisee is established, copies of the signed contract will be immediately delivered to the franchisee. The franchise agreement clearly defines the obligations and responsibilities of each party and any other material terms of the collaboration.

Minimum essential points of the contract are as follows:

- the rights of franchisor

- the rights of franchisee

franchise agreement

- goods and / or services provided to the franchisee

- the obligations of franchisor

- the obligations of franchisee

- financial conditions for the franchisee

- the contract term, fixed to allow the franchisee the amortization of specific investments to the franchise

- renewal terms of the contract (if there are any)

- the conditions under which will be effected the sale or transfer of rights under the contract and the conditions of franchisor pre-emption

- the conditions to use, by the franchisee, signs of rallying customers belonging to the franchisor: sign, mark, service mark, logo, and all distinctive signs

- the right of franchisor to develop his franchise concept

- the termination provisions of contract

- clauses providing for the recovery by the franchisor of any tangible or intangible item owned in case of contract termination before the deadline.


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