Association Meaning And Definition
Many new associations are created each year. You want to start your association but formalities of creation and management seem complex?
The association is an agreement by which two or more people are sharing their knowledge or activity, for a purpose other than profit sharing. It is based on two principles: freedom of association and contract.
The declared association: The most commonly used to create an association, this type of association has the legal capacity, allowing it to expand its activities,
The recognized association of public utility: the recognition of public utility gives an association the full legal capacity and valorize it.
This special status allows it to receive gifts, donations and bequests, and to obtain a national label that gives the association a special legitimacy in its field of activity,
The approved association: with approval, the association will be eligible to take certain benefits such as subsidies, tax exemptions, receiving gifts and bequests, etc.
Areas and activities covered by the associations are many and varied. It depends on your association project:
Athletic association: sports associations can benefit from state subsidies, provided they are approved. They can organize events with the authorization of authorities, open a refreshment after statement or hold a raffle in accordance with the law.
Cultural association: the cultural association can benefit many aid in the creation, public and private. The organization of shows requires an entertainment impresario of shows and payment of royalties to companies of copyright license.
Aid association: any victim of an offense may be assisted by an agreement association with so free and confidential manner. The national union and departmental unions of family associations are authorized to work in partnership with government. Many aid activities are supervised.
Humanitarian association: humanitarian associations aim to help the poor, affected or face wars or disasters populations. They try to meet vital human needs (hunger, health, education, access to water, etc.).
Environment association: approval obtaining allows associations of environmental protection have extensive powers, including in the courts, and work with the government.
Consumer association: the status of approved association allows consumer associations to take legal action to defend the collective and individual interests and to participate in public forums.
Student association: representative student associations are those that have object to defend human and material and moral interests, both collectively and individually, students. Other associations are used to assist in education, leisure and professional future.
Childminder association: nurseries can be collective or parenting nurseries. This type of association is managed by a qualified director of early childhood.
Trade association: an association may not have to share the benefits. The concept of competitive economic activity is determined by the fact that an association has a profit or non-profit activity. Depending on the nature of activity, the trade association enters into the competitive sector.
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