Content Of Employment Contracts

After hiring, it is usually necessary to write an employment contract.
written employment contract
A written employment contract formalization is not mandatory but drafting a written contract of employment has several advantages for the employer and the employee:

- writing is evidence in court cases ;

- writing ensures the validity of certain mechanisms and/or terms of the employment contract.

The writing is however imperative:

- when a collective agreement requires;

- when employer and employee agree on specific commitments whose the existence, the validity, the impact and the proof require that they are made ​​in writing.

Here what is the content of employment contract (excluding required information by a collective agreement) :

=> IDENTITY OF PARTIES TO:  > Name + address + No. Union of Recovery for Social Security and Family Allowance of employer. > Name + address of the employee. > Warning! If a foreign employee, mention and No residence titles/work.

=> DUTIES EMPLOYED: Reference to a type of position and possible conventional classification (coefficient).

=> HOURS OF WORK: Reference to time of work done under the contract.

=> COMPENSATION: Statement of remuneration paid by the employer: amount and detail.

=> WORKPLACE: Indication of the places where exercising the employment contract.

=> EFFECTIVE DATE OF CONTRACT: indication when the contract begins and has effect.

=> TRIAL PERIOD: (Eventually) Duration and conditions of development and/or renewal.

=> EARNINGS OF LEAVE: Indication of the employee rights on paid leave (how? how much?).

=> DURATION OF NOTICE TIME: Indication of notice time to be observed in case of dismissal, resignation, departure or retirement.

=> COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT: Indication of the applicable collective agreements to the relationship (business and/or company level).


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