Types of Employment Contracts

Types of employment contract chosen by the employer must belong to a defined and regulated category by the Labour Code or a collective agreement:

employment contracts
=> CID: the employment contract of indefinite duration is the general form of employment for a stable and sustainable employment;

=> CDD:
 the employment contract of definite duration is a fixed-term contract usable and available only in exceptional cases and under the conditions provided by law;

=> CDD to be defined:
 CDD reserved exclusively for hiring engineers and managers to be assigned to a project of limited duration;

=> part-time work contract:
 concerns all contracts with lower hours of work schedules;

=> intermittent employment contract:
 belongs to the category of employment contracts of indefinite duration (CID), intermittent work alternates periods with work and periods without work due to large fluctuations of the company activity during the year;

=> apprenticeship contract:
 a way of alternating training between theoretical knowledge acquired in the training center and know-how acquired in business;

=> professionalization contract:
 Allows insertion or vocational rehabilitation.


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