Customer Relationship Management

CRM, Customer Relationship Management, is a set of methods and actions for a company to develop the relationship with its customers and potential customers. It is therefore essential to identify their customers, understand them and respond to their expectations, satisfaction and loyalty above all.

Definition of CRM

Customer Relationship Management is a set of tools developed by companies to:
=> optimize the relationship with customers,
=> retain customers,
=> increase turnover.
Adopt a project CRM involves for the company to change its working methods.

Know and follow its customers

The CRM is managing the client relationship, it is based on a set of principles, the most important is the optimization of customer relationship.
To work with the CRM, the company can help:
=> relationship marketing that works on strengthening ties between the customer and the brand,
=> Multichannel marketing that is to use all available communication networks to reach a defined target.
To go beyond the CRM, we can have a draft XRM, extended relationship management, which is interested in the relationship with each person having a role in the company.


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