The Showcase Website

brochure site is a communication tool whose scope is limited to disseminate corporate image and create a first vector of interactivity between the structure and its partners (customers, prospects, partners, suppliers).

Resultado de imagem para The Showcase Website
Resultado de imagem para Showcase Website

The benefits of a web presence are real: customer prospecting, customer loyalty, expanding the trading area, etc.

The contents of this website type Living Media, the display website is consistent with the company it represents: size (number of pages), content, strategy (positioning).

Before you start creating a website or to delegate this task to a service provider, you need to set your goals:

=> What direction would you give your website: simple virtual visit card posted on third party platforms or dedicated website?

=> What flows required for data flows easily and appear quickly?

=> What information to post? The site may include "corporate" information indicating the basics: activity, contact information, history.

The pre-set

Here are some pre-set to define before you begin creating a display website:

=> To set the technological environment: static website or flash site?

=> Would you like to insert pictures or videos to liven up your pages?

=> What level of interactivity?


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