Website Design Training

3 types of training opportunities

Many training in website design are available either by training organizations or by the chambers.

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3 types of training:

=> The training of site creation that help you learn to create and manage a website.

=> The training 'software' that allow the handling of building site software.

=> The computer graphics training (Photoshop) to enrich the site of a graphic identity.

Program of website design training

=> The creation of web pages: text, image, table, hyperlinks, pages registration, viewing, recording site;

=> Design methods (ergonomics, design);

=> Choosing a programming language (XHTML, Javascript, SQL, PHP, Pearl, ...);

=> The publication of site on a server;

=> The concepts of SEO, etc.

Webmaster Training: definition of a web project, writing a specification, piloting a project, management and administration of a website.


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