Changing Jobs
Your working conditions deteriorate, you are bored in your job, your job no longer suits you and you have no more development prospects, in short you stagnate!
Therefore, you dream and you want the most interesting missions, rewarding. In this case, you have to change jobs to garner other experiences that allow you to change or redirect you professionally.
Why go abroad?
International experience tempts you to boost your career, it will be popular with companies because it will demonstrate a cultural and professional open approach.
This decision is not to be taken lightly, it engages your family and yourself. Take time to reflect and ask yourself the right questions before you go.
Keys to success
Career success takes time and personal investment. However, there are some basic rules to:
* build the project,
* succed conversion,
* develop a professional network,
* or find the best way to move up in the company.
The basic rules for acquiring the keys to success are:
* interpersonal communication: express both on the phone, by email, in public;
* running a meeting: ie prepare and animate;
* your personal organization: time management, stress management, as well as your creativity techniques.
All this demonstrate great confidence in you, determine your facilitator skills and prove that you are competent and effective for your company.
Becoming a leader
You plan to assert yourself as a leader: your image should be in harmony with your function.
Becoming a manager is not given to everyone, lead a team, delegate and reframe a collaborator, does not improvise.
Who to contact?
You want to bounce and/or accelerate your career, there are different solutions as:
* The career salon that provides practical information, to discover numerous job offers and to meet companies and recruitment agencies.
* The career advice that helps you in your job search or career development.
* The outplacement firms:
- They support you in your job search, they allow you to make a personal assessment of your career.
- These firms are rather intended for employees dismissed or subject of a negotiated departure.
* The coach: you are no more motivated in your job, you hesitate between several professional orientations or you are anxious about your new job, the coach gives you advice and helps you better anticipate your professional situation.
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