Work at Home

Work at home, a formula that suits everyone, it is becoming more common and companies that offer work from home are becoming more numerous. Work from home, at home, can be a part-time activity, a complementary activity to paid work, but also a full-time activity under employee contract or independent. Balancing work and family life is a dream for many. An elementary vigilance avoids the pitfalls of working from home, among many ads promising a job easy and profitable at home.

Working from home is an area that thankfully becoming more professional with all the necessary seriousness. Combine work and family life is possible thanks to the work at home..

Telecommuting: Working from home as an employee with an employment contract

Telecommuting, working from home where the person is related to his employer by phone or internet is regulated by strict rules. This type of work at home is an employment, it is governed by a contract of employment very complete. Working from home can affect a home secretary, a computer or a web developer at home, an accountant, but also someone who will do the ironing at home or will be responsible for making sales calls or turning on the envelopes.

Working from home and statuses

You can perform a work from home as an employee. Other statuses are possible and allow working from home as a freelancer. The new auto-entrepreneur status facilitates many steps in the work at home and costs you less at the level of charges set. You can opt for an enterprise with different advantages and disadvantages.

What activities and what are the companies that recruit to work from home?

All areas are covered, from full-time work at home to work part time from home through a complement work at home for the main income. Sectors that are recruiting in the work at home are mainly in the field of secretarial, internet, direct selling of products at home, etc...


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