Meeting Management

Running a meeting, it is preparing.

You will soon organize a meeting and you have a grasp on your speaking in public or  making a presentation.

To be comfortable, remember to manage your interpersonal communication.

What is the management of a meeting?

The meeting aims to share in a working group the same information and the same knowledge on a subject or a particular case. The meeting will be required to take a collective decision.

To lead to concrete actions, the meeting should not be "time consuming", it will be concise and conducted with an effective time management. It will take place in good conditions to be followed up.

How to organize the meeting?

The management of meeting will be organized in several stages:

Step 1: before the meeting

Before organizing the meeting, we must ask the right questions, such as:

* What is the opportunity of the meeting?

* Is it necessary to get everyone together, which may be a waste of time and money to each (work, transport)?

* A telephone meeting or web conference would be enough?

* The purpose of meeting is to transmit information, make decisions or negotiate?

Step 2: Prepare the meeting

While preparing for the meeting, to be effective, it is:

* specify the date, place and number of participants,

* know the duration of meeting,

* prepare the agenda,

* think about booking the room.

Step 3: The content of meeting

To know the content of meeting, it is recommended:

* to read the documents;

* to reflect the opinions of each participant.

Step 4: the conduct of meeting

Driving a meeting is:

* determine to preside or run the session,

* make the round to present each participant,

* designate the person who will be in charge of the minutes of meeting,

* remind the agenda,

* specify the list of decisions,

* set, if necessary the date of the next meeting.

What kind of meeting?

There are many types of meeting, namely:

* the meeting of the executive committees,

* the service meeting,

* project management meeting,

* strategic meetings or crisis

* business meetings.

These will be prepared and conducted in the same way, but they have different objectives.


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