Workplace Relationships

Social ties are also weave in enterprise.

Good integration in enterprise promotes job making and relationships at work.

Image result for Workplace Relationships

What is Maslow's hierarchy?

Maslow was an American psychologist who in 1943 proposed a hierarchical classification of human needs, ranging from level 1 to level 5, that is to say:

* Level 1: physiological needs that affect our survival: drinking, eating, sleeping, breathing.

* Level 2: the security needs that have the will to protect us:

* against the dangers: violence, delinquency, aggression,

* and to take shelter (housing),

* and to assist us to get emotional and social security.

* Level 3: the need to belong: the person needs to feel accepted and integrated into a group of individuals (work, leisure, family). This requires own identity (name).

* Level 4: the need for esteem allows you to be recognized and valued within a group.

* Level 5: the need to accomplish that aims to achieve fulfillment in the personal and/or professional life.

This Maslow's hierarchy will rub off on relationships at work and:

* sometimes lead to career development,

* help some to become manager.

It is useful to understand human behavior.

Who is affected?

Workplace relations concern the employer and the employee (worker, employee, agent or master of frame).

The employer must ensure the welfare at work of his collaborator, like:

* to motivate staff,

* to enhance his teams,

* to establish a relationship of trust with each individual, the manager will receive them during an assessment interview.

Otherwise, social unrest settles down and can trigger work stoppages, absenteeism, social movements that would harm the development of the company.

The employee, meanwhile, must opt ​​for the right attitude vis-à-vis the other and his company, and that, whatever his place in the hierarchy in the company, namely:

* self responsibility: maintaining the balance of private and professional life,

* quality of respect: respect for others, for his work and values,

* quality of commitment: accepting differences and character of each are through exchange and dialogue and the involvement in the project and the development of company.

How to exist?

We spend most of the time at work, if you live badly your relationships at work, your life outside may be affected. We need to know existing in the eyes of others, to do this:

* know how to present yourself: the first impression is paramount,

* go to others, be interested to others and avoid going alone,

* offer your help and do not hesitate to ask for advice,

* dialogue,

* know to put yourself ahead and show initiative.


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