Career & Jobs: Resume / CV
Resume is your business card, take care of it!
Recruitment firms and companies are very sensitive and appreciate a good candidate.
Prepare there with great attention, the objective being to make your promotion!
What is a resume?
CV (curriculum vitae) is part of your application, as the motivation letter.
* It will respond to a job offer or will be a spontaneous application subject.
* It will be established with the utmost care, as it will enhance your skills and knowledge.
Finally, if your resume is well prepared, it will open the doors of the interview.
It is therefore your passport to employment, it will be attractive, vendor to increase your chance to find a job.
Resume type
CV will be adapted according to several criteria and depending on your situation:
* CV for internship: concerns more particularly students or recent graduates looking for an internship,
* professional resume: for beginners, those confirmed and seniors,
* competency CV: different from a conventional CV, it comes by acquired skills,
* original CV: has a less conventional style (color, design, flash CV),
* CV in English: if you are looking for a job abroad or if you work in a multinational or foreign company, but based in your country,
* CV online: concers more specifically professional social networks: Viadeo, Linkedin, Facebook.
What does a CV contain?
Your resume is customized and summarizes your career. Your CV will not be superfluous, it will highlight the key and your value.
The latter will therefore contain essential information for the recruiter as: your personal statement, a training theme, a work experience theme, a different section (center of interest, traineeship, objectives).
You can also add your photo that is popular with recruiters.
Personal presentation
* In this section, you will specify your contact information: name, surname, address, phone number, address, email.
* The other part will include:
- age or date of birth (it is better to mention his age),
- family status,
- nationality.
- family status,
- nationality.
Training theme
You specify the title of your qualifications and/or training as well as:
* the graduation date and,
* the institutions (high schools, universities, colleges) regarding these trainings and diplomas.
If you have had a mention in high school diploma or other references, please specify.
Professional experience theme
It will be clear and precise and mention each experience:
* dates, performed function,
* the activity sector with the name of the company,
* a short summary of conducted tasks and missions.
Other theme
This theme includes:
* your interests (extra-professional activities),
* additional training or internships,
* the languages you have studied specifying the level,
* your computer skills.
Feel free to change your resume if necessary (career change, company, new training, etc.).
CV presentation
Your resume should be aerated and accurate for a good read:
* It will also highlight the important points and will be organized in separate part.
* It will be presented on maximum 1-2 pages.
* Instead, it is recommended a classic form of resume that is master key and is timeless, it will have a good editorial quality to make the difference.
Whose to send the CV?
The CV will be sent to the person indicated on the job offer.
Otherwise, it will be sent to the HR or personnel department for a small enterprise.
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