Interim Agency
You want to find a job, why not submit your application in a interim agency?
What is a interim agency?
The interim agency is a temporary employment enterprise which is responsible for conducting the recruitment of different people for other companies.
These employees also called temporary are paid according to an agreed competence and undertake missions being available to a client company of the interim agency.
* The temporary employment firm or interim agency is also called employer of law.
* The company client of the temporary employment agency, meanwhile, is also named employer of fact.
With regard to contracts:
* The contract that binds the Interim and the interim employment agency is called mission contract.
* The contract between the company client and the interim agency is called provision contract.
Missions of interim agency
The interim agency's main objective is to recruit employees for various companies. Some are more specialized in specific jobs or industries.
The proposed missions often lead to fixed-term contracts which are often used to:
* seasonal,
* increased activity,
* replacement of a person.
For some time, the agencies also have the right to offer jobs to permanent positions (permanent contract).
Their main mission
Companies client will transmit them their job offers. Interim agencies will undertake the processing of the latter.
They will then be broadcast according to different tools:
* Internet,
* employment agency,
* classified announcements in local newspapers or in the press in general,
* in their own catalog.
Many Interims already work with the agency. However, always make sure to hire new employees of different skills and qualifications for a skilled workforce.
* Some of their interims can also be hired for a corporate client with permanent contract. Therefore, recruitment is part of their job.
* Some of these interim agencies are recognized nationally, with local branches all over your country and even abroad.
* This diversity allows to propose an interesting range of job offers.
The interim agency can also offer training to its faithful interims so that they are still performing.
Career development plans can also be set up.
How to integrate an interim agency?
Iinterim agencies select the best profiles to meet the requirements of their enterprises clients.
It has specific recruitment methods to ensure consistency between the candidates skills and the mission proposed by the company.
The recruitment techniques
Candidates will face the current hiring technique, that is to say:
* to transmit to the interim agency, CV and letter of motivation,
* to pass a job interview and recruitment tests.
All these dispositions are necessary and essential to know very quickly if the candidate is operational, what are his skills, his personality and in what field?
* Once the candidate is hired, it will integrate the agency's database, which is in charge of job offers and schedules of each interim.
* The new interim must show motivated, efficient, responsive and not be too hard on the first missions entrusted to him.
* Mobility and availability play an essential role in the selection of candidates.
How to invoice an interim agency?
The interim employment agency will charge its performance to its enterprise client.
It is the temporary employment enterprise which will pay the interims that are somehow its employees. It will also be responsible for the payment of contributions to the various social agencies.
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