Job Seeker: Hiring

Your application was a hit, you passed your job interview successfully, the same is true for recruitment tests.
Resultado de imagem para Hiring

We will now have to think about the formalities required by the Labor Code to be hired in your new company.

What about hiring formalities?

Before hiring

Before concluding a hiring, it is often referred during the recruitment interview, the issue of compensation This issue of wage bargaining will be approached with strategy and finesse.
This wage negotiation will determine your "value" in the job market at the time of your recruitment.

Other formalities

The call you were hoping for is finally coming. Your efforts have borne fruit, the recruiter informs you that you are going to be hired within his company, it is a promise of verbal hiring.
However, in order to avoid future litigation, we advise you to ask your prospective employer to prepare a promise to hire you, in which the latter agrees in writing. This will allow you to resign in peace, if you are already employed in another company.

The employment contract

Then comes the employment contract that we want to sign quickly.
Do not pack and reread it carefully to avoid any unpleasant surprises. All elements related to your employment contract must appear (type of contract, exercised position, probationary period, remuneration, etc.).


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