Negotiation Techniques

Driving a negotiation can not be improvised!
Knowing how to conduct a negotiation requires reactivity, diplomacy, adaptation and a lot of creativity and talent.
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What are negotiation techniques?

You have a client to convince or an ongoing project management, in this case, your ability to negotiate is essential.
Negotiation techniques involve communication and interpersonal communication.
To succeed in a negotiation, it is pertinent:
* To establish a climate of confidence to better understand the other party,
* To interpret the points that other deems important.

Which approach to negotiation?

There are three approaches to negotiation: winner/loser - loser/loser - winner/winner
* Winner/loser: you win the negotiation and the other lost,
* Loser/loser: neither side wants to give up, negotiation is at an impasse, goals will not be achieved,
* Winner/winner: Everyone gets roughly what he wants, both parties are satisfied with the outcome of the negotiations.
The win/win approach is therefore the most sensible.

The various processes of negotiation techniques

There are several negotiation processes:
* Preparation: setting specific objectives, anticipating each other's requests and implementing a strategy;
* Discussions about the project: understanding what the other is waiting for, listening and asking the right questions;
* Proposals and solutions: analyze the consequences in order to propose innovative solutions;
* The negotiation of a compromise: think quickly to make concessions within acceptable limits while maintaining the main objectives;
* Finalization of agreements:
- Formulate the agreement and prepare the implementation of the project: (date, program, definition of terms),
- Take a step back for reflection.

When to negotiate?

You have gathered information on the other party and established your strategy, you are finally ready to sit at the negotiating table:
* When managing a meeting,
* Where you will have to make a presentation and also a public speaking,
* A meeting report on the outcome of the negotiation will be drafted: it will include accepted and/or negotiated points, disagreements, deadlines and terms of negotiation.

The strengths of a good negotiator

First of all, the appearance of the negotiator is vital: dress, warm smile, firm handshake as well as a lot of courtesy = mastery of the image that one wishes to give to others.
An end and talented negotiator has the following strengths:
* Listening is essential,
* Be patient and persistent,
* Be able to express himself clearly and concisely,
* Be firm and determined,
* Be full of resources,
* Have a good synthesis mind,
* Have a good concentration capacity,
* Be farseeing,
* Be diplomat,
* Manage stress.
A good negotiator is able to handle conflicts.

How to conclude?

You have put forward your arguments, made constructive proposals, but concessions will have been made.
The other party is therefore interested in your offer because:
* You have been credible,
* Your arguments were relevant,
* What you propose is achievable,
* The agreement will be concluded now, once signed:
- do not come back,
- flee the questions after the closing so as nothing to question.
Important: It is strongly advised to analyze the results of the negotiation (strengths and weaknesses) by discussing with teams. This analysis will be useful in a forthcoming negotiation.


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