Communicate by E-Mail

Know how to communicate by e-mail to know how to be heard.

Making a career, whether a public career or even a career in the private sector, begins with successful company integration and interpersonal communication.

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Communicate by e-mail: for what?

The goal of the e-mail is to get a message across the Internet hoping in general for an answer, it is not like writing a note.

The e-mail can concern two targets:

* the correspondent with whom contacts are regularly maintained, he knows you;

* the correspondent who you want to challenge, or even convince to get in touch with the latter (potential customers, suppliers, etc.).

To communicate by e-mail, there are therefore several simple rules to respect.

Communicate by e-mail: what are the simple rules for communicating well?

The first, which is crucial, is to make a good impression so that your recipients open and read your messages.

To do this, we will need to:

* Please login or register.

- by putting your sender name in the sender field and indicating the subject of your message.
- these two points will help you to pass the "basket" course of the unread mail, your recipients are already quite invaded by the spams.

* The content of e-mail: it must be concise, airy and pleasant to read.

- to avoid the "high definition" page that blocks for a while the mailbox of your correspondent.
- however, you can send attached documents, pay attention to the weight that should not exceed 500 KB.
- to avoid annoying your interlocutor, write instead links of your website or your blog.

* The text: do not write a river novel, it will not be read. Prefer a summary of your message (10 to 15 lines maximum):

- insist on what you can bring to your correspondent as well as the many benefits;
- indicate also in the body of the text the presence of an attached document;
- of course, look after the presentation, grammar and spelling;
- know that capitalized words mean you are angry and shouting, think carefully before sending words or phrases in uppercase.

* The layout: attention, not everyone has a large screen, use conventional suitable fonts.

* The selection of recipients: there are two types of recipients:

- those who are recipients of the mail and who generally have to respond,
- those who simply have to be informed, they will therefore be in a congruent copy (Cc).

* Sending:

- take a step back, re-read, because once the mail is sent, it is irreversible you will not be able to go back.
- you can also set the priority of the messages according to their importance or urgency. 

To be credible, do not use this option on all messages.

In conclusion: your e-mail is your image and that of your company.

Communicate by e-mail: some tips

Here are some tips for communicating with your correspondents:

* Check your message before sending to avoid blunders and/or damage.

* Avoid giving your address book to all your correspondents, it does not concern them, use the e-mailing:

- send the mail as a hidden copy to all recipients,
- create a group.

* It is essential to install an antivirus on your computer.

* Before forwarding a mail, make sure you have permission from the author.

* Do not forget the polite form of the style: "Yours" or "cordially".

Communicate by e-mail: what not to do

To communicate well by e-mail, there are also things not to be done, namely:

* Avoid participating in the circulation of channels that are often harmful and are of no interest to your correspondents.

* To be avoided, the sending of confidential information, passwords or the number of credit card or other.


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