Meeting Report

Note-taking helps to prepare the report.

To ensure proper meeting management, it is necessary to prepare the meeting and then conduct the meeting according to an established agenda.

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What is a meeting report?

The meeting report includes the exchange, discussions and decisions taken at the meeting.

A report, for a better result, is written following the meeting.

To do this, the report will include the following points:

* the purpose and the date of the meeting,

* the participants as well as the apologized,

* the agenda,

* the summary of the items on the agenda,

* the statement of decisions.

Objectives of this report

The report has several objectives, namely:

* making decisions and identifying key elements,

* knowing the ins and outs of the work done at the meeting,

* revive the memory of the participants, it will serve as a written archive on the work of the group.

Meeting Report: what about the content?

The content of meeting report will be outlined, therefore it is a synthesis of the points discussed at the meeting (exchanges, discussions, decisions).

The editor will remain objective and write the report to the indicative present. It will refer to the agenda and the titles and sections of the documents will concur.

The third person will be used for the editor, if he has to report a fact that concerns him.
Content creation time

The technique of taking notes is crucial and decisive to facilitate the work of the editor.
Allow 1 to 2 hours to format and write it.

Recipients of the report

The proceedings will be distributed to:

* all participants and apologized,

* as well as all persons likely to be interested in the content of the meeting.

Working documents, annexes, as well as the agenda may be attached to the report.


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