
Self-employment is growing in the growing sectors.

Self-employed work involves many professions: freelance, independent salesperson, liberal nurse, independent consultant, etc.

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Good to know: self-employed persons have the obligation to declare and pay their social contributions online.

Self-employment: a specific knowledge

The self-employed person has a specific intellectual or technical knowledge. There are many self-employed workers in the following sectors:

* Medical and paramedical activities;

* Business services;

* Personal services;

* Immovable;

* Legal framework;

* Computing.

The practice of certain professions requires specific degrees (eg architect).

Self-employed status 

Self-employment is characterized by the absence of:

* employment contract;

* permanent legal subordination to the client.

Unlike the employee, the self-employed worker is not required to comply with schedules or a legal working time. His relations with clients are set in the context of a contract (oral or written) or negotiation.

The self-employed person must ensure that his social contributions are paid to the fund on which depends his occupation.

Warning! Self-entrepreneurs, by definition, are not employees. However, if a self-entrepreneur is placed in a permanent legal subordination relationship with his client (principal), the judges will be able to see an employment contract... Such a requalification has many consequences, including the payment for arrears of social security contributions for the "client", requalified as an "employer".

Self-employment: payment of services by invoice

Since the self-employed person is not an employee, he can not receive a salary. He must therefore make invoices. The remuneration of his work is thus paid by the payment of these invoices.

The self-employed person charges his tasks:

* the package;

* or in the past.


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