Project Chief Assistant

The project chief assistant is the true mainstay of the production chain of a website or a multimedia project. Apprenticeship, it is an ideal springboard before taking totally in the hands large projects.
Project Chief Assistant
Responsible for assisting the project manager in the design process, the role of the assistant is paramount insofar as he is his operational relay. On a daily basis, he works with all the players in the production chain, enabling him to understand the constraints of each job and to evaluate the difficulties encountered in running a project.

Able to learn in the job

His missions are varied: It takes part in the initial design phase, takes care of the monitoring and updating of the schedules, assists the technical teams, manages the day-to-day relations with the service providers and ensures the compliance of the specifications with the realization.
As an experienced computer scientist, he may be involved in hardware or software bugs. Ingenuity, adaptability and resourcefulness are part of his specifications!

Skills required for project chief assistant

- Rigor and method
- Good interpersonal skills, good listening skills
- Team spirit, adaptability
- Expression skills, creativity
- Sense of analysis and synthesis
- Computer and technological skills

Curriculum / training

This profession is accessible to holders of a high school diploma + 5 specialized in project management with a good knowledge of the new information and communication technologies tools. Many private and public schools are developing.


The opportunities are real in the highly evolving sector of new information and communication technologies.

Professional evolution

The assistant of project manager is very soon to take charge of a project manager function. In most multimedia or internet companies, the role of assistant lasts less than two years, sometimes only a few months. It is a necessary passage and an indispensable learning time before taking direct responsibility for projects.


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