
The dispensing pharmacist decrypts the prescriptions and delivers the medications prescribed by the doctor, ensuring that incompatibilities are always possible. He/She also carries out specific preparations, always on prescription.

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The daily tasks of the pharmacist

The profession of dispensary pharmacist has several facets. Molecular specialist, he is also a trader, consultant and business leader. He can also play a role of information, advice and prevention and possibly propose products not subject to prescription.

Scientific rigor and commercial sense

In addition to his role of reception and counseling, he must take care of the purchases and supplies of medicines, and keep his accounts. Finally, like any manager, he recruits and manages staff.

In the pharmaceutical industry, the pharmacist follows the drug throughout its development: research, manufacture, control, marketing authorization dossier.

Skills required to practice this occupation

- Scientific rigor
- Reception and taste of service
- Deontological rigor

What training (s) do I need to follow to become a pharmacist?

The exercise of the profession of pharmacist is subject to obtaining the diploma of State of doctor in pharmacy (6 to 9 after high school diploma).

Where does the pharmacist work?

Currently, more than half of pharmacists work in pharmacies. 65% of them are pharmacists. There are two possibilities for the pharmacist who wants to set up one: the creation or purchase of a pharmacy. The first case is rare because the number of pharmacies is defined by a quota fixed by the Public authorities.

Doctors in pharmacy are also recruited in the research sector and in hospitals. In hospitals, the number of jobs to be offered is limited. On the other hand, the pharmaceutical industry is in good health and shows an increase in job offers. Some positions of high-level researchers are proposed by public research organizations.

Professional evolution

In dispensaries, a pharmacist assistant can become a partner. A pharmacist-biologist can create or buy a medical analysis laboratory. Additional training in marketing or management of the pharmaceutical industry makes it possible to evolve towards supervisory functions in this sector.


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