What is Distance Learning?

Distance learning is the set of devices and organizational models that are intended to provide instruction or learning to individuals who are distant from the service provider organization. This type of training requires special technologies for training, course design, and means of communication based on electronic or other technology.

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The distance learning has developed a model for the transmission of knowledge built on the publishing and distribution of printed materials, then on mass media technologies with television, radio and telephone and finally with computers, it has gone from analogue processing of information to the creation of interactive digital services on and off-line allowing the individualization of the contents. "In this context, promoting new forms of training that give the learner a place, his responsibility and his initiative, appears to be an essential issue for open training and new training technologies".

Open distance training is part of the distance learning family but is positioned on the integration of information and communication technologies, adaptation to the individual and the modularity of training. It is an organized, finalized system, recognized as such by the actors, which takes into account the singularity of individuals in their individual and collective dimensions and which is based on complementary and plural learning situations in terms of time , places, human and technological pedagogical mediation and resources.

Open distance training is a freedom of access to educational resources made available to the learner without any restriction, namely: absence of admission condition, itinerary and pace of training chosen by the learner according to his availability and conclusion of a contract between the learner and the institution.


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