Administrative Officer

Administrative officer works both in the administrations and in the large companies. He/she is the initiator and the conductor of a program of actions in a particular sector: communication, legal, economy...

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Daily life of an administrative officer

Administrative officer often works in the environmental field. In large companies for which the environment represents a major stake (energy, chemistry, agri-food...), we find a team of missionaries who gravitate to the turn of the director of the environment. 

Depending on their skills, they take on a specific area of ​​the company's environmental policy.

General or expert

Thus, the mission manager in technological risks will focus on the prevention of accidents related to the industrial process; the communications officer, for his part, will be responsible for disseminating an image of the company that respects the environment; the legal officer will ensure compliance with environmental regulations and will advise management in the case of environmental litigation.

Skills required to practice this occupation

- Developed relational and pedagogical sense

- Technical knowledge

- Ability to work as a team

- Creativity, initiative

Training to become an administrative officer

Environmental managers are most often graduates of an engineering school specializing in urban planning or land use planning. The public sector is more open to academics and scientists than the private sector.

Where does the administrative officer work?

Outside large companies, opportunities are being developed within institutional associations, regional environmental directorates, departmental directions of agriculture and forestry, and local authorities. Depending on the size of the structure, he plays the role of an expert or, on the contrary, a generalist.

Professional evolution

They can access management functions or become environmental managers in a company.


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