Clinical Psychologist

The clinical psychologist cares for patients who suffer from psychological and moral disorders. He/she brings them a suitable solution.

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The daily life of a clinical psychologist

In hospitals, the psychologist carries out psychological analyzes and evaluations of patients suffering from mental distress. Through this work of gathering information (interview) and research (restitution), the psychologist conceives and implements preventive and curative actions. Each solution he brings to a patient is the fruit of a long work of identification of his needs and expectations.

Understanding complexity

Beyond helping his patients, the clinical psychologist often conducts specific research to his field of activity. He carries out numerous studies and works in order to better understand the complexity of psychic suffering. The well being of the person being the heart of his profession, he regularly develops new methods of approach and care.

Skills required to become a clinical psychologist

- Highly developed analytical and synthesis skills

- Great ability to adapt and listen

- High fluency and drafting skills

- Concentration, organization, rigor

What training to follow to become a clinical psychologist?

It is possible to access this post after a Master 2 in Clinical or Pathological Psychology.

Where does the clinical psychologist work?

Clinical psychologists may practice in specialized institutes, public hospitals or clinics. While the aging of the population and degenerative disorders have increased demand in recent years, it remains difficult for young graduates to make their place today.

Professional evolution

After many years of practice, the clinical psychologist can be promoted to the position of establishment director.


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