Cognitive Engineer

To integrate a human dimension in the elaboration of technological products: this is the challenge of the cognitive engineer. This scientist is involved in the design of human-machine interfaces such as software or a website.

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The everyday life of a cognitive engineer

The cognitive engineer associates two types of sciences: the so-called human science (psychology, neuroscience, ergonomics, biology...) and technical science (mathematics, computer science, robotics, modeling...). His objective is to understand what makes human's specificity in his way of thinking and acting. To do this, he performs user tests or behavior simulations. He then takes these elements into account in the design of a product, depending on the possibilities offered by the employed technology.

The engineer is at the head of a team. Listening to his employees and customers, he can explain, convince and make decisions, while assuming the ethical dimensions and corporate responsibility. He knows how to adapt to the fields of IT, user and client development.

A real "interface" of skills and knowledge, he intervenes at the request of the client and the designer in all the stages of the product's manufacture. He may be required to control the product, manage his manufacturing cost and verify if it is adapted to the users' expectations.

Required skills to become a cognitive engineer

- Sense of contact
- Know how to manage a team and work as a team
- Versatility
- Imagination and creativity

Training of the cognitive engineer

The cognitive engineer is a graduate engineer who holds the title conferred by the titles' commission of the engineer. He receives a triple training: general scientist, specialist in the field of cognition, managerial and technological projects management.

The cognitive engineer opportunities

The industry of digital services, computer design and new communication technologies is the leading employer of cognitive engineers. Studies offices, service companies, production or energy control, and those in the fields of industrial safety and the ergonomics of complex systems, constitute the other sectors of recruitment of graduate engineers.


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