Medical Interim
Temporary work offers a wide range of interim assignments depending on the sector of activity and occupation concerned and sought after, such as: medical interim, tertiary interim, construction interim, restoration interim, industry interim, transportation and logistics interim.
What is medical interim?
In order to carry out medical interim, the temporary staff specializing in this field must, initially, register with an interim agency.
The latter may be generalist or more specialized in the medical sector.
It is divided into three main themes:
* health and social,
* pharmacy and research,
* doctors and senior managers.
These universes regroup several professions that are classified by function.
Health and social
This universe groups several professions classified in subgroup:
* Caregiver: paramedic, sterilization officer, dental assistant, stretcher bearer, child care assistant, nurse radio manipulator, radio physicist.
* Rehabilitate: dietician, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, optician, speech therapist, orthoptist, pedicure podiatrist, psychomotrician.
* Manage (administrative): medical secretary, medical information technician.
* Accompany: family assistant, life assistant, specialist educator, medical-psychologist assistant, instructor educator, hospital psychologist.
Pharmacy and research
We find following professions:
* biochemist, biologist,
* data manager,
* pharmaceutical delegate,
* sales manager,
* employee of pharmacy,
* pharmacist in pharmacy,
* pharmacist biologist,
* industrial pharmacist,
* laboratory technician,
* medical delegate visitor.
Physicians and senior executives
True specialists can be assigned:
* anesthesiologist resuscitator,
* cardiologist,
* surgeon,
* obstetrician gynecologist,
* physicians (general practitioner, geriatrician, emergency physician),
* pediatrician,
* radiologist.
Medical interim: what are their clients?
The interim agencies specializing in medical interim have a real pool of experts with great know-how who are at the disposal:
* public and private health care facilities,
* medico-social field,
* territorial civil service,
* health institutions.
Who is concerned by this interim?
All those who wish to work in temporary work can find missions in the medical interim if their professional experience and their skills allow them.
In this case, they will benefit from a temporary work agreement as well as the right of temporary workers.
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