Company Agreement
In the same way as the collective agreement, the branch agreement and the internal rules, the company agreement sets, in accordance with labor law, the rules applicable to relations between employers and employees.
What is a company agreement?
The company agreement makes it possible to better integrate the Labor Code by adapting it to the activities and the specificities of the structure.
A company agreement is a set of provisions that frame:
* working conditions of employees;
* their social guarantees.
Traditionally, the company agreement may be less advantageous than the collective agreement, but it can in no case be less favorable to employees than the branch agreement or the law.
The Labor Law now allows it to derogate from treaty provisions in more areas.
Specificity of the company agreement
Unlike a branch agreement, a company agreement is only valid for a company.
The company agreement is decided and then drafted by staff representatives and employers. A company agreement can only be adopted if it receives 50% of the votes cast in favor of representative unions. If the vote does not reach 50% but exceeds 30% in the first round of the elections, a possibility of validation of the agreement is envisaged, by consultation of the employees.
Good to know: these adoption rules come into force gradually according to the purpose of the agreement. Starting today for enterprise agreements concluded with a view to the preservation or development of employment.
Content of the company agreement
The company agreement provides for annual negotiations on the major provisions of a company. These negotiations concern:
* the calculation of remuneration, the allocation or not of bonuses or increases;
* the duration of working time;
* the calculation of paid leave and reduction of working time;
* the training and opportunities for change;
* the modification of social benefits such as the mutual insurance company, the provident fund or employee savings plans.
Good to know: all negotiations must imperatively respect parity and give equal rights to men and women.
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