Infrastructure Expert

The infrastructure expert works in production, that of IT infrastructure.

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The missions of the infrastructure expert

His role: provide advice and support to customers and participate in the design of IT architectures. He analyzes, advocates and validates technical solutions.

Skills needed for this profession

- Initiative
- Team Leadership
- Good communication
- Rigor and reactivity

Training to become an infrastructure expert

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This job is aimed to people who have developed technical experience as infrastructure administrator for example. A computer engineering school or specialized university training is required to become an infrastructure expert.

Opportunities for the profession of infrastructure expert

The infrastructure expert can work on the website of the company that employs him or on the site of a customer.

Professional evolution of the profession of infrastructure expert

The more experienced the infrastructure engineer, the more he can intervene in the design of the IT architecture. Production project manager, production manager, are the professions he can claim.


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