Product and Offers Manager

The product and offers manager has a marketing role, specialized in IT products. His role: choose the right products to optimize sales.

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The missions of a product and offers manager in IT

As a marketing expert, the product and offers manager must study the market. This induces a precise knowledge of customer expectations, competitor activities, as well as existing products. This is how he participates in the development of his company's products, of their conception to their commercialization. The products can be software, applications...

Skills required to practice the profession

- Initiative
- Good communicating
- Know how to work in a team

What training to follow to become a product and offers manager?

To become a product and offers manager in computer science, it is better to have a university diploma with 10 to 15 years of experience in marketing. Training in computer engineering school or in a functional area (Finance, Human Resources, Transport...) are excellent gateways to access this profession.


The product and offers manager work in IT companies producing applications and software, in connection with advertising agencies and marketing research companies.

Professional evolution of the product and offers manager

An experienced product and offers manager can support multiple products.


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