
Showing posts from October, 2015

Manage a Job Candidacy

Your application can be an unsolicited application or an application in response to a job offer. The important thing is to prepare it well to meet the qualifications and requirements of the recruiter. You do not get an answer to your application: reviving your application is important, it should not be neglected, it shows that you are motivated and persistent. You want to change the horizon and you yearn for another career, it is possible to find a job abroad, what are the referral agencies to prepare the application? You are disabled job seeker and your main goal is also for you to find a job. Prepare your resume Remember that your resume is your card that makes your promotion in your job search. => How to make a CV: preparation, layout, format? => What are the different types of resume and the best suited to your profile: CV for training, professional CV, skills CV? => What are the different examples of resume: CV in English and CV in other language? => CV online on p...

HRM Activities

The Human Resources Management (HRM) is a core activity for the company, because it encompasses all the activities relating to personnel management. Dealing with problems Personnel management, but this is also issues management. Thus, in case of accident, it is the people responsible for HRM to launch the various procedures. In cases of misconduct or abuse, HR can also apply disciplinary sanctions. Absences and leaves In a company, the absenteeism rate is an average of 5%. It is imperative to distinguish between unexcused absences and justified work absences, especially in the case of paid leave, reduction of working time, unpaid leave, sabbatical leave, a business ceation leave, sick leave, sick child leave. Staff representation The human resource management also includes everything related to staff representation. In fact, all companies with more than 11 employees must have at least one staff representative. It is the size of the company that determines the number and variety of f...

Terms Of Employment Contracts

The work contract contains a number of provisions that organize the contractual relationship between employer and employee: => employment contract of trial period:  the trial period must be provided in writing and in the form of clause in the employment contract , under penalty of nullity; => clause of probationary period:  allows the employer to evaluate the adaptation of an employee for new functions to get him following a recruitment or following a change of duties; => clause of withdrawal-formation:  the employee agrees to stay for a certain period in a company except to repay the investment in training made by the employer; => clause of employment contract mobility:  allows the employer to change the workplace of the employee without the latter can not oppose it; => clause of employment contract exclusivity:  the employer requires the employee to reserve his entire professional availability and his skills without being able to work elsewhe...

Content Of Employment Contracts

After hiring, it is usually necessary to write an employment contract. Employment contract law : writing is recommended A written employment contract formalization is not mandatory but drafting a written contract of employment has several advantages for the employer and the employee: - writing is evidence in court cases ; - writing ensures the validity of certain mechanisms and/or terms of the employment contract. The writing is however imperative: - when a collective agreement requires; - when employer and employee agree on specific commitments whose the existence, the validity, the impact and the proof require that they are made ​​in writing. Employment contracts: indicative content   Here what is the content of employment contract (excluding required information by a collective agreement) : => IDENTITY OF PARTIES TO:  > Name + address + No. Union of Recovery for Social Security and Family Allowance of employer. > Name + address of the employee. > Warning! If a f...

Types of Employment Contracts

Types of  employment contract  chosen by the employer must belong to a defined and regulated category by the Labour Code or a collective agreement: => CID:  the employment contract of indefinite duration is the general form of employment for a stable and sustainable employment; => CDD:  the employment contract of definite duration is a fixed-term contract usable and available only in exceptional cases and under the conditions provided by law; => CDD to be defined:  CDD reserved exclusively for hiring engineers and managers to be assigned to a project of limited duration; => part-time work contract:  concerns all contracts with lower hours of work schedules; => intermittent employment contract:  belongs to the category of employment contracts of indefinite duration (CID), intermittent work alternates periods with work and periods without work due to large fluctuations of the company activity during the year; => apprenticeship contract:...

Association Meaning And Definition

Many new associations are created each year. You want to start your association but formalities of creation and management seem complex? The association is an agreement by which two or more people are sharing their knowledge or activity, for a purpose other than profit sharing. It is based on two principles: freedom of association and contract. Types of associations: many possibilities The declared association:  The most commonly used to create an association, this type of association has the legal capacity, allowing it to expand its activities, The recognized association of public utility:  the recognition of public utility gives an association the full legal capacity and valorize it. This special status allows it to receive gifts, donations and bequests, and to obtain a national label that gives the association a special legitimacy in its field of activity, The approved association:  with approval, the association will be eligible to take certain benefits such as subsid...

Employment Contract

Sign an  employment contract  is an involving act. Implications are important for the employer and employee: responsibilities, legal and financial obligations, and respect for rules set by the Labour Code and collective bargaining agreements. What happens next? Employee and employer The employment contract gives rise to mandatory compensation in cash and/or kind. Subordination for employment contracts What characterizes and defines mainly the employment contract is the existence of a superior-subordinate relationship between two people: =>  the employer, that is to say one that: -  provides work to be performed; -  gives instructions regarding the conditions of work execution to be done; -  controls and monitors the execution of this work; -  punishes any shortcomings regarding the execution of this work; -  pays the execution of this work; =>  the employee must be an individual who: -  performs a work to receive from his employer;...

Financing Entrepreneurship

There are different ways to finance a  business creation  : > the personal contribution, > the capital contribution, > lending to business creation : banking, unsecured loan, etc. An entrepreneur can also start a business without capital, certain legal forms of business permit it. Aid to create a company When you want to create your company you can, under certain conditions, benefit from assistance in business creation. This can take different forms : > financial assistance to entrepreneurship : granted by communities or certain organizations, > new support for the creation and recovery of activity: company creation, > help for job seekers creating or taking over a business, > young Innovative Company, > advice to business creation, > support to create business for the unemployed. What implementation to choose? The choice of implementation of the business is an important element of entrepreneurship. To facilitate its implementation at the beginning o...

Human Resource Management

HRM , human resource management is a central activity in a company. From recruitment to training, through compensation, absences and union activities, it encompasses all the activities relating to personnel management. Legal framework for the management of human resources To carry out the various tasks related to human resources , professionals must initially enforce the Labor Code. In a company, labor law, in addition to the Labour Code, has for source the various agreements concluded between employers and employees. Among these agreements include: => the collective agreement; => the branch agreement; => the company agreement; => the rules. Focus on personnel management One of the main activities of an HR department is personnel management. It is thanks to personnel management that a company can make the best of all its employees by offering such courses and even promotions. This activity includes all procedures: => recruitment; => evaluation of staff; => forward...

The Legal Status of New Business Creation

The contractor must choose a legal status for his company, sole proprietorship or partnership, which will determine the formalities of declaration, for his personal legal status, as well as fiscal, administrative and social. Create a society is to give birth to a new person legally distinct from the founding partners, the so-called "legal person". The different legal status The choice of company status depends on the type of professional activity that will be performed, and other factors to be taken into account: * the company will be created individually or in association with partners ? * what are the financing needs of the new structure ? * the creator plans to separate his personal assets from business assets ? Formalities The constitution of a company requires : * to give it a name (social name or company name), * to domicile it in a suitable local (headquarters), * to bring it a minimum of money and/or goods that will constitute its share capital, * to designate one or ...

Factoring Meaning

Your company has a business and grant payment terms to its customers. You can reduce these delays without changing your commercial policy, by selling your receivables to a third party, a factoring company. The factoring company settles claims pending payment by the due debtor client. You get an "advance" cash. Why use factoring? Subscribe a factoring agreement avoids unpaid through the credit guarantee included in the contract. The factoring company supports the receivables management and relieves you of the administrative burden. The factoring company finances receivables within 24 or 48 hours and allows you to avoid cash offsets. Types of Factoring Depending on your needs and characteristics of your commercial policy, you can use different types of factoring. Confidential factoring or anonymous factoring The confidential factoring allows you to hide the use of factoring to your customers. The bills are supported by a factoring company without the customer concerned is info...